Thursday, October 21, 2010

Painted Fabric

This is what is on my painting desk today. I spent a good part of the morning quilting on my orange tulip quilt and then took a break from that to do some painting. I was in the mood to do a painting on some fabric scraps.

I started out by taking some neutral colored fabrics and fusing them with Mistyfuse to a medium-weight interfacing. Then I used some #8 perle cotton and added some hand stitching. Next I gessoed over the entire surface. Oh and I did all that yesterday.

So today I drew my design onto the surface and started painting. I'm not quite done with this yet. I need to figure out how I will finish this. Do I want to attached it to a frame, fuse it to some stiff interfacing, or ???.

And before I end this post....I just wanted to take a second to say thanks to all of you who are reading. And thank you also if you've left a comment. I do enjoy your comments.