The next photo is the fabric page from my July swap partner, Sue. Now if any of you know Sue, she is not really keen on doing lots of hand stitching. Well on this page she went way above and beyond and hand stitched her heart out. She added a dragonfly charm and a small round charm that says "wish". I love this piece Sue! Thanks!

Below are three postcards I've received. The top one is from Lynda...she was on a roll one day and made a bunch of cards and so generously offered to swap with anyone interested...well of course I was! The bottom left card is from Angela. This card is a replacement of one I was supposed to get and never showed up....darned card, where are you? Angela knows I'm a kitty lover. And the bottom right card is from SuZ. This one is from her "color study in texture" series, and there is lots of texture here. The colors are wonderful. Thank you Lynda, Angela, and SuZ, these are going up on my display wall.

The next photo shows a surprise package I received in the mail on Friday. I opened the package and found this lovely wrapping. I gotta know what that white tissue paper is. It has airy spots in it and shows the color of the tissue paper below it.

Well I couldn't wait any longer and carefully opened up the package to find this. It a wrapfolio by Sue. It could be used as a notebook, a sketchpad, or whatever. Zoey is liking this wrapfolio too.

And here's a look inside. Sue created signatures from paper and she also incorporated some of the fabrics and painted papers to really jazz this up. She has also sprinkled a few quotes throughout. Thank you Sue, I'm really loving this.

Well as I said before, it has been a while since I shared the treasures I've received from some great creative friends. I do hope I haven't forgotten any.