Well, I can't believe it. One year as a blogger. Where does the time go? When I started out blogging I thought I was the last one to jump in. But not so, I've noticed more and more bloggers and I'm thinking it will continue to grow and grow. I've decided that after a year of this that I really enjoy it. I know some of my family members like my blogging as it gives them a chance to keep up with what I'm up to. I also feel that it drives me harder to create. Before I'd just blow off creating something because I was mostly the one seeing the end result. But now I'm more committed and have found that I'm stretching myself further to be more creative...and I like it. I also like blogging because it has brought me together with all of you and I've met so many wonderful people. It's so much fun to be able to share with each other and to share with those who live in parts of the world that I never dreamed I'd have contact with. Thank you all for sharing this with me.
Here is this week's journal quilt. Wow it's number 20. Only 32 to go. The focal piece was something I had created some time ago and just had never done anything with.

Also, here are my rust dying experiment results. I used steel wool pads for this. Can't say I'm overly ecstatic about them, but I can now say I've tried it. I did find another metal object that I'm going to try out with the rust dying to see if I like the result better. Maybe I'll have those results in a few days.

Oh, and one more thing. Today is the last day for commenting in my little give-away contest. I'll be announcing the winners tomorrow and sharing the gifts I've made for the winners.