Yesterday I had Amy and Jenny over to my house and we had a silk fusion fun day. Neither Amy nor Jenny had done silk fusion before and I have done a little. We followed Sue's tutorial on Joggles. We had a lot of fun and I now have eight more sheets of silk fusion. I made these sheets smaller than ones I've done in the past. They were much easier to move when I wanted to hang them to dry. Also, they will be easier to store. Now I need to come up with some projects to use my lovely new silk sheets.
I want to thank those of you who were brave and accepted my challenge in the previous post. I think it is so fun to find out who, out there in the great big wide world, is looking at my teensy weensy part of cyber space. I've been trying to also reciprocate and comment more on blogs I watch. Thanks to those who have taken the challenge and I'll leave the challenge open for anyone else who'd like to pop in and say "hi".