You can see my previous Bloom True blog posts at the following links:
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
The course was five weeks short and believe me, they went by quickly. Here are my canvases at the end of Week 5.
I started the course with the two larger canvases and added the other two around Week 3 or 4. I believe I am finished with the two paintings on the left. They still need a protective finish coat. The two canvases on the right are still works in progress.
My Thoughts About the Course
I will be honest with you, I was apprehensive about taking the course because I didn't want to create art that looks like so many other pieces out there. Flora teaches this course both online and in person and you can find photos all over the Internet with people sharing their results. So much of it looks similar to me. Of course I know that some artists are in the early stages of learning a process and that is usually when their work tends to be similar to others...they just haven't found their voice or style yet. So with keeping my own style/voice in mind, I took the plunge and took the course.
I'm glad I did. The lessons are not about painting like Flora. They are about finding yourself in your painting. Sure, some of the early steps in the process seem to make everyone's art look the same, but once you get past that, you are free flying and following your heart and gut.
I would highly recommend to anyone who has creative dreams to take this course. Even if you aren't a painter. I think that no matter what your art medium of choice is, you can benefit from what Flora shares. And who knows, you may find that you do like painting.
If you are interested in taking Flora's Bloom True E-course, please click the following link to sign up. Please note that the link is an affiliate link, which means that if you sign up for the course when following my link, I will earn a commission from your purchase of the course. If you do sign up through my link, I would like to thank you for doing so.