Friday, February 28, 2014

Final Face

Here she is folks! Face #29. Woo hoo! I'm so excited that I created 29 faces.

As I said in a previous post, I plan to bind all the faces into a book/journal when I get a binding machine. I want to buy a Cinch, but I'm waiting for the new version that punches square holes to come out on the market. I was told by a company representative last week that they will be out in the retail market next month. That's all they said. So I'm assuming by that statement they will be ready to buy sometime in March.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by and commented on my faces throughout the challenge. There were so many who participated in the challenge and I did not make it to visit everyone's faces.

While I totally enjoyed creating all the faces, I think I may just be ready for a face break. And who knows...I may even be ready to work on a quilt. Yay!