Sunday, February 2, 2014

Backgrounds for Something

These are some backgrounds I created over the last several days.  They all combine some sort of combination of acrylic paint added either by brush, scraping, or rolling. And then I added stenciled and stamped layers and even some screen printing.

I don't know yet what I will do with these papers. I want to make more and I think I might bind them all into a journal. I want to get myself a wire binding machine and have been looking at The Cinch. They are coming out with a version that punches square holes, which interests me more than the current version that punches round holes. So I've been holding off on making a purchase. I also contemplated the Bind-It-All, but so far seem to be leaning toward The Cinch. If you have any of these machines, and have any input for me, please let me know.

Here's something fun that is starting tomorrow:

You can read all about how this Scavenger Hunt will work over on Jessica Sporn's blog.