Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Focus on Fiber II

Focus on Fiber II, a national juried exhibition began this past weekend. I have a small art quilt in this exhibit. The exhibit is held at Studio Channel Islands Art Center on the campus of California State Univeristy, Camarillo, California.

I'd love to be able to go and see it, but.....sigh! It is not meant to be. Any of you going?

I received a bunch of exhibit brochures in the mail the other day. They are beautiful brochures which highligh the event. Upon opening one up, I gasped. Why? Because my quilt just happened to be staring back at me. Wow! Needless to say I was very giddy and excited. I've mailed a few of these brochures to important people in my life and have four left. If you live in the US and you'd like a brochure, please send me an email with your mailing address and I'll send you one of my extras.

Here is what's on my work table today. I had started piecing this a while back and it got set aside for other projects. At this point I have no clue what it will grow up to be, but as of this moment, I'm envisioning it as a quilt background.