Saturday, September 6, 2008

Back to Normal

As I write this post, I'm sitting here at the dining room table, in front of my laptop, gazing out the french doors and enjoying some lovely fall-like weather. The cat is looking out the screen door listening to the birds, crouched down in hopes one will come by.

My life and the lives of my husband's family are not normal right now. We lost a precious family member to cancer this week. I want my life to be normal again, but as I think about that, I wonder what normal really is and if it's possible. The normal I'm used to won't be the same anymore, I'm thinking. How can it be?

I find that as I get older and more people pass on, that I think more and more about life and living in the moment and trying not to take things for granted. I hate that losses are what makes me think about these things. I should embrace these thoughts and live them each day, keeping them uppermost in my head.

I write this, not for sympathy, but for encouragement. If you feel the need to comment, instead I ask you to use that energy to go find a loved one and embrace them, hug them, thank them. They are what's important.