I've been busy making handbags. Here's the first one, hot off the ironing board. The poor girl on this bag heard a few swear words coming from my lips at one point. I usually make little marks where the handles will be sewn on, and for some reason I totally missed the mark for the handles on one side of the bag. Unfortunately, I didn't notice this till I had it done. Argh!
So I ripped out some stitches, said a few harsh words, moved the handles, and tried resewing just what needed to be redone. Well because I was trying to save some time, of course the resewing didn't work well. More harsh words! By this time I was throwing tools around and slamming drawers. I think the kitties scrammed from the room. So I put everything away and went to bed.
Everything always seems brighter in the morning, right? Well I got busy and undid all the sewing, in other words, totally removed the lining from the outer bag. Start over! No more harsh words. Done!