Today I was again surprised by a box in the mail. This box contained the fabulous teapot that Sue created. Did you know I have a teapot collection? Well it's a small collection, which is good, because I don't have much room for any more. The collection I have is mostly teapots with cats on them. And maybe a couple or so with some other design that caught my fancy. Well I'm thinking I'm going to have to start a fabric teapot collection. Don't you? Thanks Sue, I feel honored to have your first teapot in my collection.
Here is a photo showing the before and after of the felted pouches. I'm getting a bit of variation in the afters. Some are bigger and some are smaller and the shapes vary also. Don't know exactly what is causing this, maybe my tension, maybe a few extra rows of knitting. Oh well...I guess they each have their own personality this way. I've got three more drying right now. I need to get the linings and zippers put into them. I've also got more planned for knitting.