I've already spent a big wad of money on yummy supplies. I'll show a few pictures each day...don't want to overwhelm you!
Here are a bunch of fun fibers I found, all were on sale, yippeee! I love all the different textures and colors that are available.
Then I found some wool roving. I've been wanting to get some of this to play with. These colors are so luscious.
I've also been wanting to add some oil pastels to my line-up of pencils, pens, and such. Found this inexpensive set to play with. Also got some walnut ink and an opaque white ink pad that will work on fabric.
I found this Lumiere Exciter Pack with some yummy metallic colors, some Shiva Paintstiks and a couple colors of Dr. Ph Martin fabric paint....hopefully to use for fleshtones.
Here is the view from my bedroom window at my aunt's house. She and her hubby live in a wooded area and have maybe an acre or two. It's so beautiful here.