Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Growin' Petunias

Well quilt #4 in my Growin' Flowers series is now done. I'm very happy about that. Here it is up on my design wall, being blocked. I put the finishing stitches in the binding over the weekend.

The last couple of days I've been working on writing up the instructions for making this quilt series. I'm still hoping to get that done and ready by the first of the year.

Vicki and I have also been busy with getting things ready for the next Three Creative Studios newsletter, which will be out on December 16. We've been working on web site changes and making plans for new challenges that will start in January. That will all be talked about in the Dec. 16 newsletter. If you aren't a subscriber to our newsletter, you can sign up here.

And I just had to share this cool, new-to-me pottery artist that I discovered in the past few days. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE everything in her Etsy shop.

Shop Name: Cinderelish
Etsy Shop link: http://www.etsy.com/shop/cinderelish
Blog: http://cinderelish.blogspot.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cinderelish/408298880365?v=wall