I finally got the book "1000 Artist Trading Cards" by Patricia Bolton. It feels like I waited forever. Anyway, way back when....Patricia had emailed me that some ATCs I had sent in to Cloth Paper Scissors magazine were being considered for a future publication and she had me sign a form. She said there was no guarantee my art would be in the book for sure, but I signed the form anyway. Well the book is now out and my ATCs made the cut. It's very exciting.......BUT! Oh why does there have to be a "but"? I'm disappointed in the quality of the photographs of my ATCs. They appear very washed out in the book. It's my understanding from others who have art in the book that this has happened to them also. Too bad! It's rather a shame that for the price they are charging for this book that they couldn't have done a more professional job. I have other books by this same publisher and am very happy with the quality of those. Anyway, here is a photo of how they appear in the book.

And here is how they looked when I photographed them (much more colorful):

I didn't get my ATCs returned to me. They were traded to other people, which makes sense, as they are trading cards. I signed the back of the cards and included my email address. The email address I put on the back of the cards, however, I don't have anymore. I did hear from two ladies who each have one of my cards. I'd love to hear from the other card holders.