It's come to my attention that I've been awarded the Thinking Blogger Award by two lovely artists. Peggy and Dianne. Thank you Peggy and Dianne, I am touched that you would choose me. Click the link to read how this all got started.
Anyway, the gist of this award is that now I'm supposed to tag 5 people who have thoughtful, provoking, and interesting blogs that I visit regularly. I have participated in the past in maybe a couple of these meme-type things and truthfully, I have to say that I have vowed to myself that I won't do them anymore. Why? Well I have a hard time with choosing just 5 (or however many) people to tag next. Sometimes I feel like I may be tagging someone who really doesn't want to participate. Sometimes I find that so many of the people I would choose, have already been tagged. If I had to choose someone, I'd want to choose everyone. Am I being a party pooper? I hope you don't think so. So consider all of you who visit here tagged with a Thinking Blogger Award.