Thursday, April 15, 2010

Another Scribbler Kitty

I had a little minute yesterday and played some more with the Scribbler site (link in previous post).

I don't have a whole lot to share at the moment, so kitty is my only photo today. But it's a cute kitty right?

Yesterday I updated my profile photo, so that's a new photo for you to see.

Oh and yesterday I spotted a new-to-me bird out back. It was the cutest little thing and wasn't very afraid of me. There were two of them, that I could see. It was a Ruby-Crowned Kinglet. This bird is not very showy, except it had one spot that just Wow'd me. On the top of his head, there was the brightest red spot that looked like someone had taken a number 4 paint brush and gave it one stroke of paint about a half-inch long. Very cool!