
Monday, August 22, 2011

Check out This Book

Masters Art Quilts Vol. 2 - Major Works by Leading Artists
Curated by Martha Sielman
Published by Lark Crafts

When I received my copy of this book, I couldn't wait to rip open the package and start flipping through the pages and sniffing that brand new book smell (yes, I love that brand new book smell, you can call me weird).

But most of all I was very anxious to start browsing through the line up of art quilt artists and view the works of art each had created.  Forty artists are featured with a wide scope of work, each coming into the art quilt arena from varying backgrounds and diverse experiences.

So many of the quilts pictured are so unique and intriguing and I often find myself wondering how the artist came up with the concept or was it even planned.  I'd love to be able to reach into the pages and touch the quilts and experience them further.  But knowing I can't, I am happy that a book of this magnitude is available, otherwise I would not have been able to see such beautiful works of art.

If you love art quilts, or even just art for that matter, you won't be disappointed in what this book offers.  So much fabulous inspiration, color, texture, and wonder.

I have the first book in this series and I have had it on my coffee table since I had finished reading it.  I like to pick it up and shuffle through it now and then because even though I read through it completely, I still find new and interesting things that didn't catch my attention before.  I'm sure I'll feel the same way with volume 2.  I hate to put volume 1 on a bookshelf though.  Hmmmm, maybe I need to get another coffee table or can one coffee table handle two such fabulous books?

Have I got a deal for you!  You can win a copy of this book by simply leaving me a comment here. The copy you win will even by signed by Martha Sielman.

You must leave your comment here by midnight (Eastern time) on August 28. I'll announce a winner (random number drawing) here on the blog on the 29th.  Please be sure I have your contact information if you are an anonymous commenter.

Oh and it gets better!  You can have many chances to win a copy of this book as there are many bloggers like me who are participating in this fun give away.  You can see all of the participating blogs by visiting this post at Lark Crafts.  Good luck and have fun!