
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Color Color Color

Recently, my friend Martha and I got together and did some fun painting, Jamie Fingal/Leslie Tucker Jenison style, on cotton duck.  Jamie and Leslie, together, teach a fun class called Musical Chairs: A Painted Canvas Adventure, and that class is what inspired Martha and I to paint.

The canvas we painted is eight feet long and 30 inches wide.  We had a ton of fun with it and it took us nearly all day to do.


I took the entire length of cotton duck home and cut it, that first cut was very hard.  From that piece of cloth I made two aprons, like the one in the next photo.

I also made two composition notebook covers and two mini padfolios.  I even have a couple of small pieces of cloth left, that I will use for something, just haven't decided what to make yet.

Some day I hope to take Jamie and Leslie's class, to experience the pure fun of painting, musical chairs style.